Paris, 2012 March 24th - May 12th

OCCUPY=ART-CAPITAL is an exhibition-demonstration paying tribute to all forms of freedom of expression, manifestations of ideas and forms of protest from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the present day. A collective work that is strictly visual and not political. 

An exhibition of artworks from the collection of the Centre Georges Pompidou is presented in the street, outside the museum, on large black and white images and for the duration of a parade. The works in the form of advertisements worn by sandwich-men, freeing us from the 'weight' of the museum.

Because today's culture is no longer just a collection of objects to be collected, but of ideas to be confronted and attitudes to be assumed, our changing world has opened the way to new artistic adventures.

White T-shirts are distributed to the public that is invited to write its own slogan on it, then put it on and wear it during the parade in a festive and peaceful spirit. At the end of the event, the exhibition space is occupied by the quotes and artworks from the parade.

On this occasion, artist and designer Karol Pichler is presenting a half-dandy, half-activist "kit for the demonstrator of the future", which is on display in the gallery window. The kit contains everything you need to prepare for a demonstration: a support made from a removable tubular structure, a plastic canvas, with a grid pattern, large enough to write and update slogans attached to the support. A balaclava is also included in the kit.

A selection of works tracing artistic interventions from the 70s to the present day and images stolen from one revolution to another will be presented online on the gallery's website.


Copyright : MoMO Galerie


MoMO Galerie
